Author: admin

  • Romanticism Movement

    Romanticism Movement

    Romanticism is a movement of art and thought that marked the period from the late 18th to the early 19th century. It was born as a reaction to the Age of Enlightenment and its emphasis on rationalism, objectivity and scientific thought. At the center of Romanticism are individualism, sensuality, love of nature and the desire…

  • The Impressive World of Baroque Art

    Baroque art is an art style and movement that lasted from the early 17th century to the mid-18th century and generally represents the post-Renaissance period in Europe. The term Baroque is often used to describe works of art that are ornate, elaborate and animated. During this period, art focused on appealing to the audience through…

  • From Renaissance to Modern Art: A Journey in the Evolution of Art

    Renaissance means ‘rebirth’ and represents a period that had a wide impact on art, science, thought styles and social order, and sowed the seeds of profound changes in Europe. Artists, who sought realism and perspective by focusing on human beings and nature, went beyond their period and depicted the uniqueness of the individual and a…